Hash #1671: Beer Lover’s Hash, Fool Moon Hash, and Larry’s Birthday – Alias and Larry

May 4, 2015 @ 6:30 pm – May 5, 2015 @ 10:00 pm
Hometowne Inn
1915 Mccague Street
Swissvale, PA 15218

Beer Lover’s Hash AND Fool Moon Hash AND Larry’s Birthday

Hares: Larry (Birthday Girl) and Alias

Time: Monday, May 4th at 6:30 PM

Place: Hometowne Inn, in Swissvale
1915 McCague St.
Pittsburgh, PA 15218
(412) 351-6551

I could while away the hours, searching hills and flowers...
I could while away the hours, searching hills and flowers…

Theme (There always is one for the beer lover’s hash): The Sound of Music, in honor of the 50th anniversary of the Sound of Music

Feel free to come in costume or not, but definitely be prepared to sing for your beer. At each beer stop a hint will be needed to get to the next mark leading to the next beer stop. To get the hint, a majority of the pack must sing a hash song that doesn’t end in a down-down (until the Apres) to get that hint and to have beer ready at the next stop. We will warm up with a rousing edition of Father Abraham. Other songs will be off the cuff, unless Whiff has generated some Sound of Music special songs to consider.

– Alias (Cell 412-260-3165)

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