PITT H3 #61 Nobo’s Defender of Moonsexual Sh*tshow

July 9, 2015 @ 6:30 pm – 11:45 pm
Allegheny River Blvd & Washington Blvd Parking Lot
$5 Hash Cash
Defender of Peedom

Hashing rule number 47: Moon loves chaos. Any trail hared by Moon will be an (chose your own) adventure.

So, let the chaos begin.

From Defender:

This is the first trail since the new Mis-Management took over, Defender of Peedom still has the coolers, our new RA is laying trail, and Cream of Mushroom is well…. Cream of Mushroom. Who knows what to expect in the coming year. At least we have ManGurglar and Tight E to act as the glue to hold everything together. And we’re going to need them after this trail.

NOBO never wants to hare again so he is trying his best to get banned, and has recuited the help of Moon, and Defender of Peedom. There’s a decent sized parking lot near the corner of Washington Blvd and Allegheny River Blvd, just before the bicycle track.

Bring a sixer of your favorite adult beverage and a cup for before trail.

Other things I would think about bringing are: Long Pants Headlamp Mace Bug Spray Compass Body Armor Shoes with Good Traction.

Keep your head down and God Speed!

Shiggy Rating: 4 out of 5

PI Rating: 3.5 out of 5

Awesomeness Rating: 5 out of 5

Hares Sexiness Rating: 7 out of 5

Questions or concerns: Defender of Peedom (724) 953-1907


From Moon:

Hares Nobo Sexual, Defender of Peedom and Moon Starting point: Parking lot at the intersection of Washington Blvd. and Allegheny River Blvd. This will be a shiggyriffic* trail so long pants and shoes with good traction are recommended.


Awaiting further updates or revisions from Nobo…

PITT H3 #61 Nobo’s Defender of Moonsexual Sh*tshow

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