Hash #1886 Hickey-London 10 year hickeyversary

July 13, 2019 @ 2:00 pm
Walker's Pub
2024 Sarah St
Pittsburgh, PA 15203

One contra stop, free Hickeys on trail!


It was July 19, 2009. She was wearing a sombrero and getting vodka Red Bull’s from a guy who promised to take her to see a Harry Potter movie the following day. He was was learning how to Pole dance from a girl who clawed him in the face with her fingernails when he couldn’t pick up the skill. Their eyes met across the room. Okay, I’m lying. A fellow harsher introduced them and they had very little interest in one another.

However, getting stranded in a 70’s theme bar (RIP Jane’s Groove) and drinking their weight in cheap tequila shots had a funny way of building attraction.

By 6am, a guy was mopping the floors of the club and there were just two people left in a booth. One if them had acquired more hickeys than should be legal. I’ll give you a hint: it was Hickey No Dickey.

This drunken Korean evening turned into a weird morning. Two hashers slept in a subway station and then on a hiking path and wore yesterday’s running clothes to a Sunday morning trail. Perhaps no one would’ve questioned what happened when they showed up to trail, except that the female hasher hadn’t been near a mirror didn’t know about the hickeys until she arrived at the hash. She never lived this event down and acquired her hash name a few weeks later. Shriveled In London had lived up to his hash name once again.

Anyway, it’s been 10 years. So come celebrate with Hickey and London- two people who decided to turn a drunken night into a marriage. We’re still not sure what the fuck we were thinking, but we’re still together, so come celebrate our 10 year hickeyversary.

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