Hash #2000: A New Millennium
Hares: Fuk Stik, Defender of Peedom, and Friends
Check-in: 11:00am
Trail: 12:00pm
Holy Shit! How’d we get to #2000?
Join us for this milestone trail: there will be trail options for hashers of all abilities, followed by an apres where we’ll celebrate making it to 2000 by partying into the night with old friends and new ones. Plan on bringing stories, memories, and pictures to share. Hell, come for the whole weekend as we’ll be having events Wednesday through Sunday!
Important Notes
- Proof of COVID-19 vaccination will be required to participate.
- The run is capped at 150 people, so please either sign up fon HashRego or reach out and we’ll let you know how to directly register: https://hashrego.com/events/pgh-h3-hash-2000-a-new-millennium-2022
Trail will accommodate hashers of all fitness levels (and sobriety), with a walker option, and ball buster options for those more inclined to traverse the hills and shiggy we’ve all come to know and love about Pittsburgh H3 trails.
Hash Start and Check-In
Hash will start from the hash hotel (SpringHill Suites, 223 Federal St, PGH) with check-in opening at 11 am.
Pack away at noon (we’re going to try to be prompt about that).
The Apres will be held at the North Shore Elks Lodge, a short walk from the hash hotel.
Food and drink will be provided, but top shelf libations are on you.*
Expect to hear stories from PGH H3 hashers and visitors from different generations, share stories with people you haven’t seen in decades, and to check out the photo albums of runs you had forgotten about and hashers you no longer recognize (like your younger self!).
There will be a short circle, but we want to focus on giving people time to hang out and swap stories. And several hash songmeisters have already claimed a corner of the venue for some heavy duty dog bayi…singing of hash songs!
Once we get kicked out of the venue (around 7 or 8 pm), we’ll make the move to another venue (TBD).
*There will be a cap on the bar tab. We don’t expect to hit it, but you might bring a few extra $$$ in case we do. Bringing money to tip your bartender is also always a good thing.
Other Stuff
Proof of vaccination will be required for this event. To register, you’ll need to send us a photo of your vaccination card.