Hash #2106, Cock in a Net & Putin on the Dicks

January 21, 2024 @ 2:00 pm
3806 Acorn St
Pittsburgh, PA 15207

Who: Cock in a Net and Putin on the Dicks

What: A Cock and Dick Hash

When: 1/21 2PM

Where: Zanos 3806 Acorn Street, Pgh, 15207

Why: I was talking to Putin about where to have a hash. Jokingly I mentioned Zanos thinking it has been overdone but Putin has never done a hash out of Zanos! How is that possible? I knew this had to be resolved immediately so a shitty hash will be out of Zanos!

How: No idea. This on out bar has been over done but we will find one more trail out of here!

Beers before on you. CASH ONLY!

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