563 Greenfield Ave
Pittsburgh, PA 15207
Where: Mondays in Greenfield! (It was Houghs, it was ‘going’ to be Necromancer, but now it’s Mondays, there.)
When: Saturday December 7th
Muster: 1pm
On out: 2:pm
What to bring: Practical Gifts, practically wrapped.
December 7th we are holding our holiday Santaur Trail. We will gather around 1pm at Mondays (Greenfield), depart near 2pm and return ~4pm. During this time we will play festive games and exchange our Santaur inspired practical gifts. The winner of the games takes home the annual Santaur Ornament. Just look at the ‘beaut.
What and who is Santaur?
Santaur is Santa’s well…anxty cousin. He’s mad because Santa gives meaningless, impractical and wasteful gifts and the people Love and Admire him. Santaur does not like Santa’s boisterous and jolly ‘Me-Me’ behaviors. Santaur believes in gifting only practical gifts, practically wrapped. Sensible. Santaur is not admired worldwide, few have heard his legend. Examples of practical gifts include: duct tape wrapped in a cereal box or beef jerky and pens in yesterday’s lunch sack. Repurposed gifts are very practical.