What is Hashing?
- You have just stumbled upon an international phenomenon, where a group of people, “Hashers”, follow a cryptic trail that has been marked by the “Hare”. This trail leads to beer, water, snacks and a lot of camaraderie. Some people run, some people walk, but they all follow these marks along streets, trails and off the beaten path until they find a beer stop. Now, there is water there too and snacks, but we’re really known as a Drinking Club with a Running Problem.
- Awesome! How do I start?
- You may already be a hasher! Consult the Calendar for convenient times to join us and find out! (Those with open minds and over 21 fit best…)
- Want to hare a trail?
- Contact our Hare Raiser for available dates. They can also help match newer hares with possible hare mentors. (PghHareRaiser@gmail.com)
Want to do an exciting trail? See this list of fun special trails that happen each year: Special Events
Kennel history of Pittsburgh: Kennel History
Check out the Wikipedia entry on Hashing…
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