Dark Side 107 – Schoolhouse Cock

May 9, 2024 @ 6:30 pm – 10:00 pm
Squirrel Hill Cafe
5802 Forbes Ave
Pittsburgh, PA 15217
Hares: Schoolhouse Cock
Start: 6:30
On Out: 7:00
What: DS 107
Hash Cash: $5 (Cash Only)
Where: Squirrel Hill Cafe, 5802 Forbes Ave
Pittsburgh, PA 15217
Why: To run a longer, harder trail and enjoy the shit out of it!!!
As I stumbled in from another long loop of the Darkside marathon, Shriveled in London swooped down on me with the mercilessness of a desperate hare raiser. Delirious from dehydration or something (honestly, I was just banking on London forgetting the conversation), I somehow ended up accepting this trail. But! I at least had some of my wits about me….So! After an exhausting round of negotiations, I obtained concessions from the desperate Darkside Misman. Some of these concessions are listed below and some are things I just made up to see if I can get away with them. If you can accurately guess which is which, I will buy you a beer:
1. I will NOT scout trail. I won’t try to f— it up but if I do, oh well.
2. There will be nothing new or interesting on this trail except by accident (see #1 above).
3. I get 15 min head start for all legs of trail.
4. If you catch me, you have to give me a hug.
5. In the spirit of the Darkside marathon, trail will just be one big 6.9 inch loop that we run around for hours. For excitement, we can run in the opposite direction!!! And then we can debate which direction is better—fun!!!!
6. Smitten, who wants nothing to do with this trail, will know where we are going and (even though he has repeatedly asked not to have this responsibility and says I am making him afraid) will probably be what saves this trail from utter disaster.
7. I get to dress Jinkies up.
8. If you only get to half of 6.9, that still can be a lot of fun for a Thursday night.
9. There will be no IPAs at beer stops because ewwww.
10. Anyone who suggests PRATting this trail has to help me cohare (I’m looking at you ICP).
But, seriously, cum on out even if you’re afraid of Darkside. Trail will be much like this write-up: silly, rambling, full of half-truths, and lacking any shred of integrity or dignity. I might even break down and buy some IPAs, *that’s* how little self-respect I have.
Distance: 6.9 miles, but if you play your cards right you can wait for everyone to give up and just go directly to the beer stops.
Shiggy: Some, I’m sure.
Dogs: That’s a hard one. We might go some places where you could get yelled at but if you’re okay with that, then yeah.
Questions: Contact Smitten. He will commiserate.
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