PITT #294, El Cock & Shriveled in London

Who: Shriveled in London & El Cock
When: August 24th @6:30 pm, 7pm hares away
Where: Obey House Tavern
Cash or Credit Card?: Beers are pretty cheap at this bar so we suggest being courteous and paying with cash, but credit card accepted if you only have plastic.
Trail shoes: The off road parts can be done with regular running shoes and without shiggy socks.
Bug spray: Yes, Bug spray recommended for this trail.
Doggo friendly: Bar not dog friendly. There are a couple parts of trail that could be challenging for dogs.
Parking: DON’T BE A DICK!!! Please don’t park in their parking lot. Parking is plentiful on Steuben Street, but you should park ~1000 feet away from the intersection where the bar is located. Parking is also available on some of the side streets. Parking isn’t allowed on Obey Street.
Hash cash: $5.00 except for virgins

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