Global Harriettes’ Day: Flicker

December 12, 2012 @ 11:30 pm – December 13, 2012 @ 4:45 am

WHEN:  12/12/12              6:30pm                 On-out at 7:00 SHARP!

WHERE:                Sharp Edge Beer Emporium

                                302 South St. Clair St

                                Pittsburgh PA 15206       (Friendship area)


                (Happy Hour   4:30 – 6:30 —  ½ price Belgian drafts and $1.00 off all craft and import drafts)



CONTRA! CONTRA! CONTRA!                     Hares will provide beer/snacks for trail stops.  Pre-hash and apres on your own.


HARES:                 Flicker & Heart-On


In 2001, the GLOBAL HARRIETTES HASH event was established.  It became a worldwide event that takes place on the month/day/year when all numbers of the date coincide.  So obviously the first event was held on 01/01/01.  The next on 02/02/02 and then again on 03/03/03.  And if you haven’t figured out the trend yet, the next one was on 04/04/04 and then again 05/05/05.


For those of you whose brains are really cooked, we continued the trend as follows:


06/06/06   (666)



09/09/09   (999)                                                                                              



Finally figured it out???


Last year we held 11/11/11 and NOW:




THIS WILL BE THE LAST GLOBAL HARRIETTES HASH TO BE HELD!!  Of course we’d like to submit a challenge to you to come up with some mathematical configuration/permutation/whatever that makes it so we could continue to do this for 12 more years with the month/day/year numbers to make some kind of sense as we’ve done thus far.  Put your half-minds to work – see what hare-brained idea YOU can think of!    J


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